Monday, December 6, 2010

Trusting God in Times of Trouble- Mrs. C. Hopson

Many Christians have a lot of "if onlys" in their lives,
and these keep them from all God wants to do in them, for
them, and through them. I have found that when I say "if
only," I need to go to God for a new perspective, one that
honors Him. Why not turn your "if onlys" into "what ifs"?
Here are three new ways to think about your situation.
1. What if God is allowing this situation for my growth,
to make me more like Him?
2. What if I'm missing great opportunities God has
planned for me because of my bad attitude or wrong
3. What if I could use each circumstance in my life to
please the Lord?
Joseph was betrayed by those he loved, forgotten by
those he trusted, lied to, horribly mistreated, falsely
accused…and yet God allowed all of it so that he could be
used for God's purpose…to bring about the result God
intended. Paul saw prison as God's place for him, and
Daniel saw the lions' den as God's place. Each situation was
a terrifying, unfair, undeserved situation, but God was
faithful, powerful, and had a bigger plan. The key was that
Joseph, Daniel, and Paul all trusted God to use their circumstances,
no matter how unfair they were, for God's

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