Tuesday, December 14, 2010

C. Hopson-Trusting God in Times of Trouble

I've counseled many in marriage situations where one
or the other decides to have an affair, do their own thing,
justify it, abandon their family, and then wonder why they
don't have peace or feel God's presence anymore. They even
tell me that they know God wanted this for them because
they weren't happy in their marriage. Oh, how shameful
this is…to think that you can walk away from all of God's
principles and still expect His protection.
This illustration seems so clear to us, doesn't it? And yet
we do the same thing when we decide to worry about our
children, our health, our finances, or politics and walk away
from the peace that God offers if we would only trust Him.
Then we wonder why we're miserable and can't feel God's
presence with us. Guess who moved?
While getting more and more frustrated over the political
situation and the direction our nation was heading, I
was convicted about getting all worked up over something
that God has clearly spoken to me about in the past. So I
had to confess my worried and angry heart and go back to
God's Word for direction and peace. It was then that God
gave me two verses that calmed my heart completely:
"…your faith should not rest on the wisdom of men, but on
the power of God" (1 Corinthians 2:5). "He [the righteous]
will not fear evil tidings; his heart is steadfast, trusting in
the LORD" (Psalms 112:7). I truly can't even put into words
the peace and trust God gave me that day as I left all my
worries and frustrations with Him. He then led me to sit
down and write out twenty ways I could honor Him in these
uncertain, unstable times. (I've included these in the
appendix at the end of the book.) This list has gone out all
over the world via the Internet. As I began sharing it with
others who were struggling, they would ask for it and would
then share it at church or with their Bible study group or
send it to relatives in other states and countries. Our
mighty God (El Gibbor) was at work and transformed my
thinking, and then used what He taught me to encourage
and strengthen others. He is always willing and able to
take on the battles for us, but we must let Him.

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