Thursday, December 9, 2010

Carol Hopson-Trusting God in Times of Trouble

When my husband and I started a Christian school, we
had little or no money. We had bills to pay and teachers'
salaries due, and we had no money for any of it. We had followed
God's clear leading to start the school, and we had
faith that He would see us through, but we didn't have
enough students in those early months to pay the bills.
Now, we were faced with payday and didn't have near
enough money to pay our staff and teachers…let alone ourselves.
For a few minutes those "if onlys" invaded my mind.
If only we hadn't left secure jobs in a great Christian school,
if only we had a big donor who would have provided the
funds for this year, if only we had more students, and so on.
I also wondered why God hadn't provided the needed
finances since we had stepped out in faith and obedience to
Him to start this school. Why would He put us through
such hard times where it looked like He wasn't providing…
where we'd have to tell the teachers that there was no
money to pay them?
Since I was the secretary and bookkeeper, I walked into
my husband's office and told him the problem. We decided
to spend some time praying for God's wisdom and direction.
Maybe we should try to take out a loan or call someone to
help…but who? Then we knew we would simply call on the
Lord and see how He would lead. With a peaceful heart, I
walked back into my office to find a woman standing there
waiting for me. I thought maybe she was interested in
enrolling her children in the school, so I asked her if she'd
like information about the school. Here is what she said:
"I've never done anything like this before, but there was a
detour through town that brought me right by your school.
When I saw your school sign out front, I had this extremely
strong sense that I was to stop my car and come in here
and write you a check. I don't live here and have never been
through here before, but I think God wants me to give you
this." She handed me a check and was gone as quickly as
she appeared. I was in shock and ran to the door to thank
her as she headed back to her car. When I got back to my
office, I looked at the check, and it was just what we needed
for that month!

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