Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-A Sound Discipline Mind

In a house we used to live in, I would put the water bowl for our
dogs by the garage door, where there happened to be a light. At night
time, all the moths and bugs would be flying around that light, but in
the morning, those bugs would be floating in the dog’s water. I
wouldn’t touch those bugs to pull them out of the water; I would just
get the water hose and turn on the water. I would fill up the bowl with
water and the bugs would just float off.
Likewise, you don’t have to try to pick the wrong thoughts out
of your mind. Just turn on the water of the Word. If thoughts try to
trouble you, you don’t have to struggle, trying to “get rid” of them –
just turn on the water of the Word. Fill your mouth and your thoughts
with what God says. Turn your attention toward the Word and away
from wrong thoughts; become occupied and absorbed with what
God’s Word says, and the wrong thoughts will just float off.

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