Monday, April 11, 2011

Mrs. Carol Hopson-Above the Storm

Baby eaglets have a great life.
They live in a soft, furry down that
their mother has plucked from her
own breast and placed in their nest.
Their father brings them toys and
food and meets their every need. Life
is good, life is fun, life has no worries.
But then one day, life changes. Without
warning, the mother eagle begins
to remove all of the soft lining of their
home, and then even takes away the
soft leaves and small branches that
have brought them security and comfort.
There’s nothing left but large,
scratchy branches which the young
eagles have to clamp on to with their
little talons. It’s not fun! It’s scary...
and then the mother leaves them for
a while and they have to manage by
themselves. What has happened?
Why is their mother so cruel?

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